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6 Things To Know Before You Try Health Supplements


People today are becoming increasingly health-conscious. They prefer to take a healthier diet, adopt an active lifestyle, and consume health supplements to cover for the missing minerals and vitamins from their diet. And while health supplements are beneficial for your health, they also involve a few health risks. Hence it is essential to understand what you consume before you gobble down these mineral and vitamin supplements. That’s why we have compiled this post that includes 6 things that you should know before you try health supplements.

Health Supplements Cover For Missing Micronutrients

Health supplements are a great way to cover for missing micronutrients from your diet.

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Does your diet heavily includes processed food instead of fresh foods and vegetables?

Are you consuming a limited diet due to allergies, dairy or gluten intolerance, or a preference for a specific type of diet such as veganism?

If yes, your body is likely missing out on the essential micronutrients (including minerals and vitamins) it needs to stay healthy. And even when your plate is loaded with colorful naturals, it is possible to miss on micronutrients due to nutrient depletion in the soil and modern-day farming practices, which means that the fruits and vegetables you consume today may not have as many minerals and vitamins as there used to be several years ago!

Hence, adding a health supplement can be a smart addition to cover for missing micronutrients but don’t forget to contact your healthcare provider before you start consuming health supplements.

Health Supplements Can Aid In Improving Several Body Functions

Is there a particular aspect of your body that frustrates you?

Whether it’s the color of your skin or the lack of energy that you don’t like about yourself, adding a health supplement to your everyday routine can improve that aspect of your body. Certain health supplements optimize your energy levels and aid in improving sleep. Others improve the color and health of your skin and nails. And there are several more that can enhance your bone health, sexual health, and aid in relieving stress.

And before you add a health supplement to your diet, it’s always best to speak to your healthcare provider, as they may recommend a health supplement based on your specific health concerns.

Too Much Of Health Supplements Can Be Bad

Often individuals start consuming health supplements assuming that they offer the remedy for every health concern. People think of health supplements as a quick and automatic way to improve overall health and well-being.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case!

When it comes to consuming health supplements, moderation is the key. Excess consumption of health supplements can have adverse effects on your health, some of which can also be dangerous. For example, an overdose of vitamin B6 can lead to neurological symptoms. Similarly, overconsumption of vitamin D can lead to hardening blood vessels and other soft tissues, which can be a dangerous condition.

Hence, it is best to discuss your health supplements with your health care provider on every visit and let your doctor guide you about the consumption of health supplements based on scientific evidence and the latest research. Moreover, if you miss a dose of health supplements, you don’t have to consume a double dose. Simply take the next dose when it is scheduled, so avoid an overdose of health supplements and associated complications.

Some Health Supplements Can Interfere With Medication

Do you have a health concern that requires regular medication?

Then you need to discuss your medications with your healthcare provider before you start taking any health supplements.

With any type of medication, there is always a risk that your health supplement won’t mix well with it. And if you are consuming multiple medications for various health concerns, more is the risk of adverse interactions with health supplements that can lead to severe side effects.

If you are already on medications for a particular health concern, remember that taking health supplements can interfere with your medications. Hence, it is best to discuss your health supplements and medications with your doctor before consuming them.

You Don’t Urinate All Supplements

It is a common perception that excess supplements are expelled through the body via urination. While certain supplements may change the color of your urine, it doesn’t mean your body is releasing excess minerals and vitamins.

However, it is important to know the difference between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. These vitamins do not get stored in the body and are eliminated through urine. Hence, you need to maintain a regular supply of water-soluble vitamins, including vitamin C, B1, B6, and B12.

On the other hand, fat-soluble vitamins are not expelled by the body through urine. Instead. The blood absorbs these vitamins, which are then stored in the body for later use.

Know Your Health Supplement

It’s hard to choose a health supplement when all the ones available on the market claim to be the best. This means that you need to do your research before you choose a health supplement. Check out the labels and choose a trusted brand that has appropriate certifications and transparent labels. Moreover, you should always speak with your doctor about your health needs when taking pregnancy or lactating medications.

Final Words

Health supplements may seem like a great addition, given that modern-day diets are heavily dependent on processed foods and are far from natural goodness. But too many health supplements can be dangerous. Hence, when planning to add health supplements to your diet, you always need to consult with your primary healthcare provider and discuss your health concerns, medication, and other special needs before trying health supplements.


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