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Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin D

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin d is necessary for healthy bones, and lack of vitamin d can result in bone pain, muscle weakness. Suppose you’re experiencing any sort of chronic aches or pains. In that case, it’s essential to visit a doctor because you may have Vitamin D deficiency in your system, leading to calcium absorption.

Multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system, has also been associated with vitamin d deficiency. Multiple sclerosis is when the immune system attacks the myelin sheath surrounding nerve fibers. Vitamin d deficiency may cause an autoimmune response which leads to this disease. It is essential to get more vitamin d when experiencing this.

Most Common Causes Of Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Not getting enough sun exposure.
  • Certain medications such as heartburn medicine can interfere with vitamin d absorption.
  • Older adults typically don’t eat well enough to maintain good levels of vitamin D.
  • People who have darker skin types need more sun exposure.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms Can Include

  • muscle weakness
  • bone pain and aches in the bones or joints
  • chronic fatigue, tiredness, etc.
  • Constipation.

Vitamin D Deficiency Risk Factors

  • Sun avoidance
  • Darker skin color
  • Lack of vitamin D in the diet (vegan, elderly)
  • Aging (lowers the ability to synthesize vitamin d from sunlight).
  • obesity/overweight status
  • Many factors can affect your vitamin d levels, including age and genetics, so knowing these risk factors before supplementation.

Who Is At Risk?

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Vitamin D deficiency is more common amongst individuals who cannot tolerate or do not consume milk, eggs, and fish. Those who are lactose intolerant or who follow a vegan diet. People at increased risk of vitamin D inadequacy include Individuals with inflammatory bowel disease or other conditions affecting the body’s ability to absorb fat. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that requires fat absorption in the intestine.

Obese individuals have lower vitamin D levels in their blood. Vitamin D is stored in fat cells, intestines, and inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which result in irritation in the digestive tract. Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to increased breast cancer risk in women. Vitamin D can regulate normal breast cell development and might stop breast cancer cells from developing.

How Can I Prevent Getting Vitamin D Deficiency?

There are several options for individuals to acquire more Vitamin D. The best way to prevent getting vitamin d deficiency is sun exposure. This means that people with lighter skin should spend more time in the sun because their bodies can create enough vitamin D from sunlight. Whereas those with darker skin color typically need more prolonged periods under direct sunlight and are prone to vitamin d deficiency. Always consider how much sunscreen you’re using when spending long periods outside. This can block your body’s ability to synthesize vitamin d naturally. There are methods in preventing vitamin d deficiency.

  • Spend at least 15 – 20 minutes per day in direct sunlight
  • Get tested regularly (especially children)
  • with a doctor about whether or not you’re experiencing vitamin d deficiency symptoms.
  • Make sure you eat foods with good levels of Vitamin D, such as fatty fish, mushrooms, etc.

Vitamin D supplements are also widely available and can help prevent vitamin d deficiency. However, this is not a replacement for getting outside but rather an addition to get your daily dose of sunshine! The optimal vitamin d status is between 30 – 80 ng/ml. Always consult with a medical professional before taking any dietary supplements.

Food Sources Of Vitamin D

With natural Vitamin D found in only just a few different foods, there’s still hope that you can find some sources. . The flesh of fatty fish and fish liver oils are the most significant sources. Another few foods would be egg yolks, cheese, and beef liver have trace amounts. Some mushrooms contain vitamin D2 and certain commercially sold mushrooms that have been exposed to high quantities of ultraviolet light intentionally. Vitamin D-fortified orange juice, dairy and plant milk, sardines, and fortified cereals are excellent sources. Fortified foods are the best source of vitamin D because it is difficult to get enough sun exposure, especially in the winter months.

Vitamin D Supplementation

People often take vitamin d supplements to keep their bones healthy and increase calcium absorption as well as to get sufficient vitamin d. Which is a good reason for taking dietary supplement capsules daily every day of the week or just on days you don’t get outside much in sunlight exposure. Nutritional supplements usually contain vitamin D in ergocalciferol, vitamin d2, or vitamin d3. It’s best to get your vitamin d levels checked out by a physician. If you have been diagnosed with insufficient or deficient amounts, you should immediately begin taking vitamin d supplements. It’s essential to read labels on dietary supplements and always follow recommended dosages for maximum benefit.

Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin d supplements are not always helpful, especially where more sun exposure would have been practical instead but not enough time outside. If you’re taking dietary supplements, please ensure that your physician approves before using any type of supplementation during pregnancy! With all these things considered, it’s essential to keep yourself healthy by knowing what nutrients are needed daily from both dietary sources and dietary supplements. It’s important not to exceed 2000IU per day from dietary supplements as this could cause toxicity symptoms. More importantly, too much Vitamin d supplementation won’t help promote bone health until what little dietary calcium isn’t absorbed gets shifted through the kidneys. Dietary reference intakes will vary according to age, gender, and life-cycle status.

What Does Sunlight Have To Do With Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because its created when your skin is exposed directly to solar radiation UV-B or ultraviolet radiation. The amount of vitamin D your body can generate varies depending on factors such as UVB radiation. The vitamin D created when your skin is exposed to sunlight can be stored in the body. When spending time outdoors, wear sunscreen and put on sunglasses if you’re outside for an extended period.

You don’t want to block out UVB rays because these are necessary for producing the sunshine vitamin! If you have dark skin or white skin that doesn’t burn quickly, it’s important not to stay out too long. An easy way people get vitamin d without getting enough sunshine exposure is through vitamin supplements. Doing so can take away all risks associated with direct sun exposure, such as developing cancerous melanomas, etc. Unfortunately, this supplementation isn’t always helpful, primarily where overcast conditions exist year-round.


Vitamin D is important for both humans and animals alike. It is essential to be aware of what of the risks associated with too much or too little. Health professionals suggest the best thing is to get outside for at least 20 minutes every day and make sure you meet the daily recommended intake. When it comes down to it, everyone should be aware of their needs when it comes to getting enough vitamin d in their diet. If not, consult your doctor about how much you need regularly!


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