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What Vitamins Do You Need Throughout Your Lifetime?


A varied diet high in vegetables and fruits is the greatest approach to obtain a combination of vitamins. Although getting the required amount of nutrients from the foods we eat is preferable, people may want to consider taking additional supplements and vitamins after consulting with their doctor.

There are several advertisements for well-being and health supplements, but which of these do you truly require? This article will tell you what the most important minerals and vitamins are for every phase of your life as you age so that you can advise your children and grandchildren.

Teenage Years

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According to professional nutritionists, you should focus on obtaining as much vitamin D and calcium as feasible during these years. Individuals require calcium for muscle and bone development at this age, however, it is not absorbed as well if they do not have vitamin D. During these years, children’s bones are developing and if adequate bone isn’t developed, people will be more prone to brittle bones as adults.

According to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, teenagers should consume 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D each day and 1,300 mg of calcium each day. It is critical that parents discuss their children’s nutrition and diet with their pediatrician at every visit.


It’s still advised to consume adequate vitamin D and calcium throughout these decades. During this period, people may require extra minerals and vitamins, depending on their diet. Vegans frequently desire extra vitamin B12 since it is mostly found in animal products.

Food is always preferable to supplements since supplements are only utilized to isolate a single nutrient. Whole foods, on the other hand, include fiber, minerals, and vitamins, all of which interact synergistically.


Anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, according to medical experts, are the way to go. This aids in the lowering of one’s chance of heart disease. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that adults eat fatty fish like salmon or mackerel at least two days a week in order to achieve optimal heart health (2017).

If you’re a woman who’s thinking about becoming pregnant, it’s worth beginning taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid straight away. Folic acid lowers the incidence of neural tube birth defects and other B vitamins aid in the development of healthy babies. Vitamins of this sort might help to reduce the danger of infant autism.


According to medical experts, vitamin D becomes increasingly important in your fifties. Low levels of vitamin D are linked to a number of illnesses, including autoimmune diseases and cancer, as well as obesity and diabetes, and the risks for these problems tend to increase with age. People should get their blood levels of vitamin D checked by their doctor and find out where they stand so that they may take steps to boost them if necessary.

Both females and males in their fourth decade are advised to take vitamin D supplements. It is virtually impossible to obtain all of the vitamin D required through food alone, and none of the people populating this day of sunscreen gets enough from the sun, thus vitamin D supplements are necessary. Calcium, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, are also important.


The need for 1,200 milligrams of calcium each day in your fifth decade and vitamin D as a crucial substance to assist the body absorb this vital mineral is still recognized. During this period, rather than acquiring bone mass persons are preserving the bone mass they already have. It is critical that all vitamin D and calcium needs be addressed with the patient’s medical professional.

Females are more likely to get brittle bone disease and osteoporosis than males, and they may need additional precautions. To see whether any other diseases or problems with other medicines might be affecting the absorption of calcium, talk to your primary care doctor. Females who go through menopause during this period could benefit from treatments that are natural for menopause.


Vitamin D and calcium are critical as you become older, according to the health authorities. People must ensure that they get all of the nutrients they require from supplements or meals.

Consult with your doctor about the diets you’re on to see if any additional vitamins are required. Food and drink choices are likely to change with age. For heart health, omega-3 fatty acids are critical at this period.


During this decade, individuals may require additional vitamin B12 in their diets, in addition to D and calcium. As people advance in years, their bodies’ ability to create and utilize vitamin B12 deteriorates, necessitating the use of supplements.


The extra vitamin B12 may be absolutely essential during a person’s octogenarian years. Continue to eat plenty of calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D throughout your life, as you have throughout the previous decades. Also, see if your regular health care provider understands any modifications to your drug regimen or dietary adjustments.

Nineties And Beyond

Whatever they’ve been doing to live this long is undoubtedly working, and they should continue doing it.


As you can see, vitamin supplements are critical for just about everybody’s health, and the many benefits of taking multi-vitamins are immeasurable. Vitamin requirements change somewhat with each age, but they are usually comparable. Whichever age group you’re in right now, vitamin D needs to be a part of your general diet plan, along with calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. If you’re seeing signs of deficiencies in any category, consult with your doctor and/or pharmacist for advice.


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