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Things All Seniors Should Be Getting Tested For

Seniors in America are often at a greater risk for a variety of health problems. While the average person’s odds of developing any one given disease or ailment is low, seniors have a higher probability of being diagnosed with different diseases and ailments that can greatly impact their quality of life. That is why it is important to get tested for everything from heart disease to diabetes. You’ll want to know if anything is wrong before it becomes too late to do anything about it.


Eye Exams

It’s easy to avoid going to the eye doctor, but failing to do so can be a big mistake. Seniors who ignore their deteriorating vision and put off getting an eye exam tend to lose quality of life and independence because they no longer feel safe driving or doing other activities that require good eyesight. Getting regular checkups might just save you from potentially dangerous situations should your vision deteriorate even further.

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Blood Sugar Testing

As we age, our blood sugar levels can get out of whack due to fluctuating hormones, lack of exercise and poor dietary choices. If not monitored correctly, high levels of glucose in the body can lead to heart disease, diabetes and a host of other health problems . The simplest way to monitor blood sugar is by regularly testing it at home. You can also use an artificially intelligent medical assistant to monitor your blood sugar and help you make smart decisions about what fruits, vegetables and meats to eat.


Colon Cancer Screening

Screening for colon cancer is one of the most important tests seniors can get. This type of cancer is highly preventable with regular screenings, and early detection means a better chance at successful treatment. Unfortunately, many seniors avoid getting screened because they think it will be an uncomfortable experience. In reality, the test is simple, painless and takes only a few minutes.


Osteoporosis Screening

Falling is one of the biggest dangers seniors face, especially if they have osteoporosis. With its brittle bones, seniors with this disease are more likely to suffer fractures that can greatly impair their independence. You’ll definitely want to get screened at least once for osteoporosis since it’s a disease that doesn’t cause symptoms until after you’ve already suffered serious damage. When getting this screening , ask your doctor about medications and supplements that can help prevent osteoporosis from progressing.


Heart Disease Screening

As we age, our arteries stiffen and blood tends to clot more easily. This means your chances for heart problems increase as you age, so you’ll need to get checked regularly by a doctor even if no other symptoms have presented themselves . Heart attacks are far more common in seniors compared to younger people, which makes heart disease more of a threat for older adults. It’s just that young people usually have warning signs or symptoms before their heart attack, whereas seniors may experience the same warning signs as other age groups along with additional common symptoms unique to seniors .


Skin Cancer Screening

Since most cases of skin cancer are caused by over exposure of the sun’s UV rays, our risk increases as we get older. Seniors are at greater risk because they spend more time indoors during daylight hours due to physical limitations and changes in circadian rhythms. This means you’ll need to start wearing sunscreen whenever you’re outdoors. Also consider getting screened for skin cancer on a regular basis. The good news is that skin cancer is highly curable if caught early .


Vitamin D Test

Vitamin D is essential for many bodily functions, including the metabolism of calcium. Most seniors are deficient in vitamin D because they don’t spend enough time outdoors or use sunscreen when they do. Both of which block UV rays necessary for Vitamin D production. Taking a vitamin D supplement can help you meet your daily requirements but an even simpler way to get your fix is by getting tested to see if you’re deficiency is severe enough that you need medical intervention.


Lung Cancer Screening

If you’re a smoker, the chances of getting lung cancer have increased five fold in the last 20 years. Lung cancer is actually one of the deadliest cancers because it’s typically not diagnosed until it has reached an advanced stage. If caught early enough, however, treatment is very successful. That’s why seniors need to get screened for this type of cancer on a regular basis.


Prostate Check

As men get older, their prostate tends to grow larger. For some men, this can lead to problems such as difficulty urinating and an inability to have an erection. While not all enlarged prostates are cancerous, it’s still a good idea to get screened regularly for prostate cancer just to be on the safe side. The test is simple and painless and can be done in the doctor’s office .


Diabetes Screening

Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to blindness, heart disease, kidney failure and even death if left untreated. It’s important for seniors to get screened for diabetes on a regular basis since the disease often doesn’t present any symptoms until it has progressed significantly. A simple blood test can determine if you have diabetes and, if you do, your doctor can help you develop a treatment plan .


Blood Pressure Check

Older adults are more likely to have high blood pressure which significantly increases the risk of heart disease. Untreated hypertension can also cause kidney damage and increase your chances of having a stroke. Blood pressure tends to rise as we age so it’s important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. To make sure it’s at a safe level. This test is usually performed at your doctor’s office and can be done using an inflatable cuff .


Alzheimer’s Disease Screening

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive form of dementia that affects millions of people each year. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, early diagnosis and treatment can help slow down the progression of the disease. That’s why it’s important for seniors to get screened for Alzheimer’s on a regular basis. This test is non-invasive it involves a simple memory test and a physical exam.



By getting annual checkups and screenings, seniors can catch potential health problems before they become too serious. It’s important to remember that these tests are not just for diagnosing disease, they’re also for preventing it. So take care of yourself by taking advantage of the many health services available to you and enjoy a long, healthy life!

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