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10 Signs Your Body Is Trying To Tell You Something


Wondering why your body is acting funny? It could be trying to tell you something. Your body may be telling you that there’s an underlying issue that needs to be addressed, or it could just need a bit of extra care and attention. Whatever it is, it’s important to listen to your body and take heed of its warnings. Here are some ways your body may be trying to tell you something’s wrong:

A Creeping, Crawling Feeling In The Legs

Restless leg syndrome is a condition in which you have unpleasant sensations in your legs, such as itching, pins, and needles, or a crawling sensation. The sensations are usually worse when you’re sitting still or lying down, but they can also occur at other times. The condition tends to be more common in women than men and often starts during pregnancy or after giving birth.

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Thickening Of The Skin

Thickening of the skin is typically evident by an uneven skin surface. There may be bumps, roughness, and dimpling, especially on the lower legs or arms. This condition could indicate diabetes (high blood sugar levels can damage collagen in your body), but it’s also a common symptom for those who are overweight because fat cells secrete excess growth hormone that contributes to abnormal tissue development throughout the entire body including thickening of the skin.

An Altering In Handwriting, Intense Dreams & Loss Of Smell

Parkinson’s disease is well-known to most people for the tremors it causes in a person’s hands and arms, but there are other signs that can indicate you have Parkinson’s as well. These include changes in handwriting, intense dreams, and even a loss of smell. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor for an evaluation. It’s not always easy to diagnose Parkinson’s disease, but these symptoms can help your doctor make a diagnosis.

Aggressive Behavior & Anger

If you find yourself increasingly more irritable, angry, and/or aggressive than normal, it could be a sign that something is wrong. In some cases, this can even lead to criminal behavior or violence as the person isn’t able to control their emotions anymore. This typically indicates damage in an area of the brain called the amygdala which controls our most basic impulses such as fear and anger.

Sleeping Too Much

If you find yourself increasingly more irritable, angry, and/or aggressive than normal, it could be a sign that something is wrong. In some cases, this can even lead to criminal behavior or violence as the person isn’t able to control their emotions anymore. This typically indicates damage in an area of the brain called the amygdala which controls our most basic impulses such as fear and anger.

Changes In Eye Color

While rare, it’s possible for a person’s eye color to change permanently if there is an underlying health condition. One common cause of this is high blood pressure which can damage the tiny blood vessels in your eyes. Changes in eye color might be caused by diabetes, liver disease, or a tumor. If you notice any changes in your eye color, be sure to see your doctor as soon as possible.

Craving Salt

Are you someone who can’t stop eating salty foods? This could be a sign that you have an electrolyte imbalance, which is typically caused by dehydration. Other symptoms of electrolyte imbalance include muscle cramps, headache, and fatigue. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, make sure to drink plenty of fluids, and if they persist see your doctor.

Low Libido, Fatigue & Forgetfulness

If you’re not feeling like yourself and find that your energy levels are constantly low, it’s important to get checked out. Fatigue can be a sign of many different things such as anemia, diabetes, or even cancer. Another common sign is decreased libido. Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating can also be signs of early-stage dementia. Don’t ignore these symptoms – seek medical help if they persist for more than a few weeks.

Always Feeling Thirsty

If you’re someone who’s constantly thirsty, especially during the night or early in the morning when everyone else is sleeping, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your kidneys. Dehydration is one of the most common causes for this, which can in turn be caused by heart failure or cirrhosis. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible to get tested for kidney disease.

Need To Chomp On Ice

Do you find yourself constantly chewing on ice? This could be a sign that you’re dehydrated. When our bodies are short on fluids, we often start to crave things that have a high water content such as ice cubes or popsicles. If this is something you’ve been noticing lately, make sure to drink plenty of fluids.

As you can see, there are several different symptoms that may indicate that something is wrong with your body. If you’re experiencing any of these or have noticed a persistent change in your behavior recently, be sure to get checked out by your doctor right away so they can diagnose the problem and recommend treatment options if necessary.

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