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6 Surprising Prostate Cancer-Related Habits


Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men. Many people are not even aware that it can be prevented, but there are some surprising habits that lead to prostate cancer. If you want to know more about these habits and how they affect your prostate health, read this article!

Living For Cheeseburgers

One of the most surprising habits that lead to prostate cancer is eating a lot of cheeseburgers. This high-fat, unhealthy food can cause inflammation in the body, which can increase your risk for prostate cancer. Cheese is one of the most common foods that cause cancer, and it’s easy to see why. It is loaded with saturated fat and animal protein which can lead your body down a path filled with dangerous chemicals like hormones and antibiotics. This type of food has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by as much as 25%, which researchers say may stimulate tumor growth over time. If you love cheeseburgers, try replacing them with healthier options like grilled chicken or fish instead.

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Unaware Of Family History Of Prostate Cancer

Another surprising habit that can lead to prostate cancer is being unaware of your family history. If you have a father, brother, or son who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your risk for developing the disease goes up significantly. This is because many cases of prostate cancer are hereditary. Knowing your family history is important for early detection, so make sure you talk to your relatives about their health history. If you know that there’s a strong possibility that you could develop the disease, it’s important to be proactive and get regular screenings done.

You Live In The United States

Did you know that the United States has one of the highest incidences of prostate cancer in the entire developed world? This is because many other countries have better dietary standards which help prevent diseases like this. In the United States, there is high consumption of processed foods and meat, which are two main causes of prostate cancer. If you want to reduce your risk for the disease, it’s important to make some dietary changes and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are really concerned about prostate cancer, consider moving to a country with lower rates so your odds of living longer go up significantly.

No Time To Work Out

Another surprising habit that leads to prostate cancer is not having enough time for exercise. This isn’t too difficult of a problem to solve since most people don’t like working out either! Make it a priority in your schedule if you want to live longer and reduce your risk for prostate cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s Disease. If you do find the time though, regular workouts will help keep inflammation low which can lead to better health overall. Try starting off with 30 minutes per day or more if possible so that avoiding diseases becomes second nature over time!

Still Smoking

Cigarette smoking is another surprising habit that can lead to prostate cancer. This deadly habit increases your risk for many different types of cancer, including lung cancer and bladder cancer. Smoking also damages the DNA in cells, making them more likely to become cancerous over time. Smoking is all-around bad for your health, and it’s important to quit if you want to reduce your risk of developing cancer. If you smoke cigarettes, try quitting as soon as possible. Not only will this improve your overall health, but it will also lower your risk of developing prostate cancer.

Using Mobile Devices Until The Wee Hours

Staying up late and using mobile devices right before bed is another bad habit that can lead to prostate cancer. The blue light from these devices suppresses the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps you sleep. This disruption in your sleep cycle can increase your risk for prostate cancer, as well as other diseases like obesity and heart disease. Make sure to power down your devices at least an hour before bed so you can get a good night’s sleep.


So there are some surprising habits that can lead to prostate cancer. If you want to reduce your risk of developing this deadly disease, it’s important to be aware of them and make some changes in your lifestyle. Quitting smoking, getting more exercise, eating healthier foods, and limiting your screen time are all great ways to reduce your risk for prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns, and make sure to get regular screenings done so that you can catch the disease early if you do develop it. Thanks for reading!


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