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The Top 8 Best Home Remedies For Neck Pain


The human neck is a complex structure of bones, muscles, ligaments, and other tissues. It has to support the weight of the head and the mass of the upper body. Therefore, a strain or injury to this vital part can cause discomfort in many ways, from difficulty turning your head to pain when you sleep on your side. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple, natural remedies for relieving these symptoms so that you can get back to doing all those things you love most with no worries about how much it’s going to hurt tomorrow morning!

Go To The Doctor

The best way to tell if you have a severe injury that needs medical treatment is to see your doctor. Not only can they accurately diagnose what’s wrong, but they also give the most accurate prognosis on when you’ll be able to return to all of your favorite activities. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need physical therapy instead of simple home remedies. So before attempting any of these remedies below, be sure to see a doctor to make sure nothing more serious is going on.

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Ice Therapy

Ice therapy is the most efficient way to reduce inflammation and ease the pain. The best method involves an ice pack laid out flat atop a towel on your neck for 15 minutes at least twice per day. Do not directly apply ice to the skin, as it can cause frostbite in extreme cases. Instead, after initial treatment, use heat once every few hours to increase circulation while encouraging lymph system drainage. Be sure to stretch your neck before or after icing, but not during! You never want to stress injured muscles before they are ready to be used again!


A gentle massage along the neck and shoulder muscles can help relieve tension and pain. If you’re not up for more aggressive pressure, try a few quick squeezes on the muscle with your fingers or knuckles. You can also use an electric massager such as a wand vibrator to stimulate these areas manually. Sometimes, you need something soft and warm to provide deep relaxation in this area. A heating pad set at low heat works great for this, so be sure to keep one easily accessible!

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy is the opposite of ice therapy but is necessary for proper healing. As your muscles begin to heal, they may become stiff and tight due to a lack of blood flow. Like icing, you should only apply heat after stretching. This will help you get back into action faster without re-injuring yourself! Warm baths are an excellent option for this type of treatment because they provide the warmth needed to improve circulation in injured areas and help relax tense muscle fibers while encouraging lymph drainage.

Neck Brace

Depending on the severity of your injury, you may need to use a neck brace. This will help immobilize your head to prevent movement that could worsen your symptoms. Make sure to ask your doctor about the proper way to use a neck brace and if this is an option for you! Keep in mind that you should never wear this device for more than two or three days at a time unless otherwise specifically directed by your doctor. Overuse can cause severe nerve damage in the long run, so it’s best to take it slow when using one of these until you’ve fully healed over.


Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Not only that, but it also provides a simple workout routine that strengthens your core muscles along with the rest of your body! Using a yoga mat is vital for staying comfortable while relaxing on the floor. These mats provide cushioning on hard surfaces so that you can stretch out with ease. In addition, yoga can be a great way to promote healing of the neck and upper back muscles, so it’s best for anyone who is dealing with minor pains in their neck.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt baths are another excellent way to reduce stress and promote relaxation, beneficial for those suffering from neck injuries. Magnesium sulfate is the main ingredient in Epsom salts, and it’s a great way to treat sore muscles! Simply draw a warm bath, toss in two cups of Epsom salts, and soak for around twenty minutes. Be sure to drink plenty of water after a relaxing bath like this, as you will be dehydrated.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a product made from fermented apples and can be used for various purposes. It has antiseptic properties, which help prevent bacterial growth and can also help relieve pain associated with sore muscles. To use this as a treatment for neck pain, mix two cups of apple cider vinegar with three quarts of water and soak a washcloth in it. Place the soaked cloth over the affected area for about thirty minutes to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing.


When it comes to taking care of neck pain, many options are available. These methods are for those dealing with minor neck pain. Be sure to follow each step carefully to have the best outcome possible. Don’t forget to ask your doctor for advice before starting any new treatment! Always check with your doctor before beginning any self-care routine. 


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