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7 Foods You Need To Avoid With Arthritis

Living with arthritis can be a difficult and painful experience. In addition to managing the physical symptoms of your condition, you must also pay attention to your diet in order to keep it under control. Certain types of food can have an adverse effect on your joints and cause flare-ups, so it’s important that you know which items should be avoided. Keep reading if you want some insight into the best foods to avoid with arthritis.

What Is Arthritis And How Does It Occur?

Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the cartilage between bones begins to break down and can result in pain, inflammation, joint stiffness, and decreased mobility. There are over 100 different kinds of arthritis, each with varying causes and treatments. Osteoarthritis is the most frequent type of arthritis and occurs from wear-and-tear injuries or aging. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that triggers inflammation throughout the body, including in the joints.

Other forms are related to existing conditions like certain infections or metabolic disorders such as gout. If you think you may have arthritis, visit your doctor, who can diagnose its presence based on laboratory testing and physical examination. Regardless of its form, early treatment of arthritis can help manage symptoms while minimizing further joint damage.

Foods To Avoid With Arthritis

Believe it or not, certain foods can trigger inflammation and worsen your arthritis symptoms. To feel your best, it’s recommended to follow a healthy eating pattern and avoid the following items:

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Fried And Processed Foods

If you have arthritis, it is important to be mindful of the foods that you eat, as they can impact your symptoms and overall health. Fried and processed foods are typically high in unhealthy fats such as saturated and trans fats, which can increase inflammation in the body and worsen arthritis pain.

Avoiding fried dishes like french fries, doughnuts, and croquettes can help reduce the intensity of your symptoms and offer a reprieve from chronic aches. Stocking up on nutritious fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein instead will promote long-term health and keep your arthritis pain at bay.

Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks, including soda and fruit juice, should be conscientiously reduced or eliminated as part of a diet designed to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. The sweeteners in these types of beverages can result in weight gain, which puts added stress on joints affected by arthritis and can actually increase inflammation around those joints.

In addition, drinking sugary drinks causes an increase in blood sugar levels that can cause the body’s natural anti-inflammatory responses to malfunction, making it harder for the body to naturally fight against pain related to arthritis. Avoiding sugary drinks is an essential step for individuals who have been diagnosed with arthritis in order to manage their condition effectively.

Red Meat

Eating red meat is best avoided for those prone to arthritis or gout due to its high purine content, which can build up and form uric acid in the body. Gout is a type of painful arthritis that is exacerbated by these excess levels of uric acid, which occurs naturally in certain foods.

Cutting down on red meats has been previously linked to reducing the risk of gout and providing relief from arthritis symptoms, although eating healthy amounts of fish and poultry can still provide access to vital proteins. Therefore it is best advised for those with arthritic conditions to make wise food choices when it comes to red meat.

Dairy Products

Dairy products can be an aggravating factor for those with arthritis, resulting in an inflammatory response. Many individuals are unaware that dairy may contribute to their discomfort, as it has a masquerading presence in many of our foods today. To ensure your joints are feeling their best, it’s important to pay attention to how dairy affects you – if any food increases your inflammatory symptoms, it might be worthwhile avoiding these products.

Always listen to what your body is telling you, and make sure to sustain a diet with anti-inflammatory ingredients like green leafy vegetables and avocados, which promote joint health.


For those with arthritis, avoiding gluten can be an important part of curbing inflammation. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley that can trigger an immune-mediated reaction that leads to higher levels of inflammation for many people who suffer from the condition. By cutting out gluten from your diet, you may be able to reduce the amount of inflammation that you experience from arthritis.

While it is difficult to completely eliminate all gluten from your eating habits without learning its various names and prepackaged forms in foods, making a conscious effort to avoid or reduce gluten consumption can have positive effects on your arthritic condition.


Alcohol can appear to be a tempting pain reliever for those with arthritis, but drinking it is generally unhelpful in mitigating symptoms. For one thing, alcohol has a dehydrating effect and can interfere with water balance in the body; any person looking to reduce inflammation inherent to arthritis should first make sure they are adequately hydrated.

Furthermore, where joint pain is concerned, alcohol itself can loosen the ligaments and tendons around the joints and thus cause further inflammation and strain on these delicate muscle systems. In short, alcohol is best avoided by those who suffer from arthritic conditions: it could potentially worsen one’s existing symptoms and negate any possible positive effects from other treatments one may pursue.


Arthritis can be a difficult condition to live with and manage, and understanding which foods will negatively affect the symptoms of arthritis is key to managing it as effectively as possible. When it comes to salt, it may surprise many people to learn that eating too much of it can actually lead to an increase in inflammation, resulting in increased pain and discomfort from arthritis.

This is because salt causes the body to retain water, leading to swelling, a common symptom in those who have arthritis since the increase in fluid puts extra pressure on the joints. Therefore, limiting your salt intake or avoiding foods high in salt can help reduce your arthritic pain and give you more freedom.

Make Sure You Avoid These Foods If You Have Arthritis

In conclusion, it is important for anyone who suffers from arthritis to be mindful of their food choices in order to reduce inflammation and manage their pain. Everything from red meat, dairy products, gluten, alcohol, and salt can have an effect on the condition and should be avoided or limited in order to keep symptoms at bay. Eating a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory ingredients like green leafy vegetables and avocados can help promote joint health, ultimately leading to less discomfort from arthritis. By making smart food choices and understanding what foods to avoid, those who suffer from arthritis can take control of their condition and live more comfortably.

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