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Top 7 Natural Ways of Managing Bunion Pain


One of the most common foot problems is a bunion. Bunions occur when the big toe moves toward the second smaller toes and enlarges, forming a bump on the side of your foot. This can cause pain in your feet as well as difficulty wearing shoes or going for walks. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can ease bunion pain naturally! This article will discuss tips to help you with your bunions!

Use A Lacrosse Or Tennis Ball

One way that you can ease bunion pain is by using a lacrosse or tennis ball. Place the ball on the floor and place your foot on top of it. Gently roll the ball around under your foot, applying pressure to any sore spots. This will help to loosen up the muscles and tendons in your feet and reduce the pain caused by bunions. Doing this will also help to prevent the bunion from getting worse. If you don’t have a ball, you can use a frozen water bottle! The rolling and kneading of the ball will help ease pain in your feet.

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Attempt Lifting Your Heels

Another option for reducing the discomfort caused by bunions is to attempt to pull your toes upward. This can be done while lying down or standing up. When you are lying down, lift your heels as high as possible and hold for five seconds. Then, release and lower them back to the ground. Repeat this eight times. When you are standing up, stand on tiptoe and hold for five seconds. Then, release and return to regular stance. Repeat this eight times. Both of these exercises will help stretch out the muscles in your feet and reduce the tension that is causing the pain from your bunions.

Walking On Sandy Beaches Frequently

Depending on the person’s geographical location, this may not be feasible for many people. However, walking on sandy beaches frequently has been shown to help with foot pain. The sand provides a gentle massage for your feet as you walk, which can help to ease the tension and pain caused by bunions. This can also help to improve your foot health in general. If you are unable to go to a beach, consider buying a bag of sand to use at home.

Soak Feet In Warm & Cold Water

The practice of soaking one’s feet in warm or cold water has long been used to treat bunion pain. This can be done for twenty minutes at a time, several times per day. If the weather permits, go outside and dip your feet into a stream of running water. The movement will help to massage the muscles in your feet, similar to how walking on sand works. You also want to alternate between hot and cold baths periodically throughout each week; this will relax tight muscles while strengthening those which are weak!

Put On A Splint While Sleeping

Wearing a splint at night can help to keep your feet in the correct position and reduce the pain that you experience from bunions. This can be purchased at most pharmacies or medical supply stores. Be sure to get one that is tailored for bunion correction. If you are not able to purchase a splint, consider using another object. Place the object between your big toe and second smaller toes while you sleep. This can help reduce discomfort throughout the night which will allow for better rest!

Massage Feet With Olive Oil

Another option for easing the pain caused by bunions is to massage your feet with olive oil. This will help to soften the skin and muscles in your feet, as well as promote blood circulation. The increased blood flow will bring needed nutrients to the area which can help reduce inflammation and pain. Also, the antioxidants present in olive oil can help to reduce inflammation. Simply massage a small amount of oil into your feet and toes, using circular motions. Do this twice per day for the best results!

Apply Turmeric To The Bunions

Turmeric is a natural remedy that has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric also has the ability to reduce pain and stiffness by promoting blood circulation. The increased flow of fresh, oxygenated blood can help bring needed nutrients to your feet which will strengthen them over time. To apply turmeric on bunion joints, soak cotton balls in water mixed with a small amount of turmeric powder. Apply this mixture directly on the area where you are experiencing discomfort for ten minutes at a time three times per day, or until symptoms subside!


There are several ways that you can ease bunion pain naturally! These tips will help to reduce tension in your feet, stretch out the muscles, and massage the sore areas. If you continue following these instructions, you should begin to see a decrease in the amount of pain caused by your bunions. However, if the pain persists or becomes worse it is important to consult with a doctor.

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